Being actively involved in the community in which you live plays an important role in your life. It not only gives you something to do but it improves all aspects of your life from your social skills to your physical health and your mental health. When this improves, quality of life improves, and that can only be a good thing.
LÁrte is a fully functioning Café, Catering and Florist and its purpose for existence is to give real and meaningful workplace activities, as well as employment, training, and participation opportunities to people in the community who might otherwise never get. Whilst we are not for profit organisation and a Social Traders certified Social Enterprise, we are not an ADE or Australian Disability Enterprise.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS allows us to give you unique opportunities in a safe environment that is inclusive and appreciates you for who you are. It’s an environment where you are valued, appreciated, and where you become a valuable contributor in the community you live. It will not just change your life but also your family and friends’ lives.
If needed we partner with several Disability Service Providers to give opportunities to people who are NDIS recipients. We offer a range of Community Participation Session options which are divided into streams. All streams are facilitated by qualified and experienced staff. The streams are:
- FOH Café
- BOH Kitchen and Catering
- Florist
The goal of all sessions is for participants to connect and engage with other people and to grow and thrive in a caring environment that encourages them to get out of their comfort zones
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